Living an Analog Life…Step One.

Researchers tell us that humans are feeling more alone than ever before in modern history, and we know much of that is the lack of direct connection as people refrain from going out and spend much more time online or in front of the TV. We are here to say that for some people who are feeling disconnected, there is a path to feeling closer to your offline community; it’s called Living An Analog Life “LAAL”. There are many ways that we can go back to the tactile past where we engaged more with the real world…..and had less anxiety and stress.

A great place to start is to sit down at a desk, grab some actual PAPER (Yes, I said it paper), and a pen. Take a moment to think about what it might feel like for YOU to receive a hand-written letter from a friend or loved one in your mailbox. One that took that person 30 minutes to write, place it in an envelope and deposit it in the mailbox….a letter filled with what’s going on, but much more heartfelt than a text that takes 12 seconds to write. Now think about someone you love for whom you want to do something nice and write about what happened today, but add more color and thoughtfulness. They will be so surprised to receive it, but it will put a big smile on their faces because people in a disconnected world don’t normally dedicate that much time.

Now, try to take that step once a week. Dedicate 30 minutes on a certain day and keep sending them. It will make all the difference for the recipient and make you feel more real and connected. Good luck. Now you’ve taken your first step to LAAL! Cheers.


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Spending quality time with Aging Parents and Grandparents