Understanding ikigai…

Overview of Ikigai Concepts

As part of our Mindful series on living a mindful life, the concept of ikigai comes up often. A term that has become popular outside of Japan in recent years, we wanted to provide our community the basics, so that you can all start to incorporate this important approach into your daily lives. Ikigai is a Japanese concept that translates to "a reason for being" or "a reason to wake up in the morning." It represents the intersection of four key elements:

  1. What You Love (Passion): The activities or interests that bring you joy and fulfillment.

  2. What You Are Good At (Profession): The skills and talents that you excel in.

  3. What the World Needs (Mission): The ways in which you can contribute to society and make a positive impact.

  4. What You Can Be Paid For (Vocation): The work or services that provide financial stability.

When these four elements overlap, they create your ikigai—a harmonious balance that brings purpose, satisfaction, and meaning to your life.

Beginning Steps to Implement Ikigai in Your Life

1. Self-Reflection

  • Identify Your Passions: Think about what activities make you feel alive and joyful. What do you love doing in your free time? What are the hobbies or interests that you can’t live without?

  • Recognize Your Strengths: Reflect on your skills and talents. What are you naturally good at? What do others frequently compliment you on or seek your help with?

  • Consider Your Impact: Consider how you can contribute to the world. What issues or causes do you care deeply about? How can you use your skills to help others or make a difference in your community?

  • Evaluate Financial Viability: Think about how you can turn your passions and skills into something that can also provide financial support. What career opportunities or business ideas align with your interests and abilities?

2. Explore and Experiment

  • Try New Activities: If you’re unsure about your passions or strengths, experiment with new activities, hobbies, or volunteer work. Explore different fields or interests to discover what truly resonates with you.

  • Seek Feedback: Talk to friends, family, or mentors about your strengths and passions. They may provide insights or perspectives that you hadn’t considered.

  • Test Career Options: Consider internships, part-time jobs, or freelance work in areas that interest you. This allows you to gain experience and see if it aligns with your ikigai.

3. Set Goals and Take Action

  • Define Your Ikigai: Once you have a clearer understanding of the four elements, define your ikigai. Write it down as a statement that reflects what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.

  • Set Achievable Goals: Break down your ikigai into specific, actionable goals. For example, if your ikigai involves helping others through teaching, set goals to gain teaching experience, create lesson plans, or start a tutoring business.

  • Create a Plan: Develop a step-by-step plan to pursue your ikigai. This might involve further education, building a portfolio, networking, or starting a side business.

4. Embrace a Mindful Approach

  • Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and mindful in your daily activities. Focus on what brings you joy and fulfillment, and be aware of how your actions align with your ikigai.

  • Balance and Adjust: Life is dynamic, and your ikigai may evolve over time. Be flexible and willing to adjust your goals and actions as you grow and change.

5. Cultivate Patience and Persistence

  • Be Patient: Finding and fully realizing your ikigai may take time. Be patient with yourself and trust the process.

  • Stay Persistent: Keep working towards your ikigai, even if challenges arise. The journey itself is an important part of living a fulfilled and meaningful life.


Ikigai is about discovering and living in alignment with what brings you joy, utilizes your strengths, benefits the world, and sustains you financially. By reflecting on these elements, exploring new opportunities, and setting intentional goals, you can begin to implement ikigai in your life and experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. Look for a new book form Mindful Publishing that incorporates this


And we have to talk about sleep…..